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Using this site

Content is dependent on the creation of ‘Articles’, not Pages.  See instructions below.

Login to edit/add content

After entering your username and password, select ‘Login’.  You will then be directed to the Wealthmed Wiki home page where you can access the sites content and dashboard.

Create and update content.

Once you are logged in, navigate to the top left menu and hover over ‘Wealthmed Wiki’ hyperlink.  Select ‘Dashboard’.

Now you can upload files and images as well as add/edit Articles.

Note – you need to add any media BEFORE you create your article.


Uploading Images and Files

Select ‘Media’, ‘Add New’.  You will see a box appear that says, ‘Drop files to upload’ or ‘Select Files’.  You can select either option.  Either option will allow you to upload several documents/images at one time, or just one document at a time.  Once your documents/images are uploaded, you will see a list appear below the upload function which will show you the URL of each document.  Keep this information handy if you are linking documents to an article later on.  You can paste the links into a word document or notes.  If you lose the link, you can find it by selecting ‘Media’, ‘Library’, select the item, then copy the URL on the far right of the page.

Adding Articles 

Articles form the basis of the site’s library.  They can be added in the following way:

From the Dashboard, select ‘Heroic KB’, ‘All Articles’.  You can see the list of articles already loaded onto the site.  Select ‘Add New’

You can also duplicate an article to use the settings as an existing article.  Just hover over the title and select ‘Duplicate This’.  Ensure that the article name is changed, and the correct category is updated.

Article Types

When you are adding an article, there are several options to ensure your information shows correctly on the site.  All articles need to start with a heading.  To make the sub headings work and to show under a table of contents, you will need to select H2 and then resize the heading to MEDIUM.  See the video below on adding new articles and media.

Video – adding media + articles

Transferring pages from Teamwork Spaces

The video below shows how to transfer existing media from Teamwork Spaces to Wiki.